Daytime Homeless Shelter

We would like to raise $400,000 to purchase and operate a home across from Euclid Elementary School to support the homeless families with infants that are living in shelters. The children have to commute to school long distances by public transportation, and the homeless parents with their infants are spending their whole day on the school grounds. This home would provide a safe place for the mothers. The daytime homeless shelter would have hours of operation and would close after school.

Board of Directors

An expanded Board of Directors for AACSD is under development. The new board will provide guidance, create an expanded network of potential donors, and provide expertise in nonprofit governance. Potential board members are invited to contact: Ellen Kiss at 619-246-5477.

Boy with football
The Christmas Store makes
recycling a part of the season.
For donating 20 aluminum
cans, children are given a ticket
to purchase a gift for a loved
one or themselves.